Autumm Caines is a liminal space
Part technologist, part artist, part organizer, part synthesizer
Aspiring to be mostly educator.
Hi – I’m Autumm
Passionate about this thing we call learning and how technology impacts it; I like spending time at the intersections, inbetweens, and middle spaces where things transition from one thing into another.
A first generation high school and college graduate, I’m dedicated to the transformative experience of education for those to whom the opportunity often does not present itself.
I currently work full-time as an Instructional Designer at the University of Michigan – Dearborn and part time at College Unbound as Instructional Faculty in Digital Citizenship and Web and Portfolio Design. Prior to this I held professional appointments at St. Norbert College and Capital University. In the Open, I work with questions of presence and spontaneity in synchronous virtual conversations as well as equity and inclusion in online community. I also help to organize and facilitate Open/Connected online events for the purposes of faculty development and my own practice in digital stewardship. You can find me on Mastodon. You can see more examples of my work and a full CV at
Anything I post on this site is a reflection on the tech/higher ed/open education landscapes broadly and unless specifically noted do not reflect my work with any specific employer, organization, or movement.
In other words:
Thoughts expressed in this blog are my own.
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