भक्ति in the Time of MOOC and Yoga in the Open
This past week was the soft start to YogaMOOC. I jumped into the twitter stream, signed up for the edx side, and signed up to…
Openness, Humanness, and Connectedness: or We can connect in the Open if you want to
In my last blog post I responded to the question “why does open matter” posed by #OpenEdMooc with the answer “because we are human” by…
Why Does Open Matter? because we are human
George Siemens and David Wiley have joined up to do a MOOC on Open Education and I feel as though, with my interest in the…
Associative Trails Around DigCiz, Fake News, and Microtargeting
Microtargeting: A Digital Citizen’s Perspective I started writing this post about fake news and microtargeting a few days ago and then I was reminded that…
Further Defining LOOM: autonomous persistence in relation to ethos
I was asked to be part of a panel discussion at the Winter Symposium on Digital Literacies in Higher Education as a part of my…
#MyDigCiz as Critical Experimentation in Opposition to Best Practice: Self-Reflection After #DigPed PEI or why I thought you might care about my soup
It was 2007, I was just finishing up my BS degree in communication technology when I received a google alert on my name one day.…
Now You’re Talk’in My Language: a #rhizo16 preface | or A Case for Interest in a World of Resilience
Yet philosophies of esthetics have often set out from one factor that plays a part in the constitution of experience, and have attempted to interpret…
In Defense of Kindness in the Rhizome: A complex balance of many often opposing forces
“Reality is subjective, and there’s an unenlightened tendency in this culture to regard something as ‘important’ only if ‘tis sober and severe. Sure and still…
Staking My Claim for #Western106
Howdy partners!!! It’s true, I’ve decided to take part in the next iteration of #DS106 – #Western106!! It is the latest iteration of DS106 and it…
To Err is Human: Listening, Forgiving and Forgetting
It t’was the MOOC before Christmas And through the interwebs All the creatures were stirring and… … I actually found it kind of hard to…