Introducing #DigCiz: A “place” to discuss digital citizenship – My take aways from #HumanMOOC
What does it mean to be a person on the web? What is it like to think of the web as a place? As a…
To Err is Human: Listening, Forgiving and Forgetting
It t’was the MOOC before Christmas And through the interwebs All the creatures were stirring and… … I actually found it kind of hard to…
Why We Rhizo
There is no dark side of the moon really. As a matter of fact – it’s all dark. The only thing that makes it look…
The Connecting May be Virtual but the Authenticity is Real: #digped From Afar with Virtually Connecting
Cross-posted on http://virtuallyconnecting.org Photo Credit Bowin Chin: People Connecting Shared with Creative Commons Licensing NC-ND Before we get started I should come clean and say…
Public Space vs Wild Space: A #clmooc Reflection Without Much Background
I’m sad that I couldn’t find more time for #clmooc. But I think it might be fun that if I only get two posts in,…
Technologies, Taxonomies, and Acronyms! Oh My: A MOOC-ish Taxonomy
Lately, I’ve been coming across a lot of posts regarding definition around the MOOCs. So I thought I would collect some of what I am seeing on the…
Connecting Virtually – Considerations from a Virtual Participant
What is Virtually Connecting? Recently, I had the privilege of being able to participate in a couple of Virtually Connecting hangouts; an experiment set up…